Monday 1 August 2016

Minnie Mouse

I am in a baby accessories making frenzy! Really hoping that it all fits my friend's baby though or that she'd like it! I thought I'd continue with the photogenic type of baby clothes. So .. I decided to make this Minnie Mouse set. (Also, I'm addicted to crocheting right now! ... I guess because I used to think I really sucked at it, and now I realize that I'm doing a pretty good job!) 

Anyways, here's the Minnie Mouse shoes!

Next, I had to make the dress! Underneath is a diaper cover that I had to crochet first.
With the dress, it looks a bit like a mushroom that you'd see from Super Mario heh.
Back of the dress/diaper cover
In case anybody is wondering how it looks like opened. Looks like ovaries.
Front side with the diaper cover open.
How it looks like on a baby.
The Minnie Mouse hat! Needed to sorta fluff it out to make it look good.
With it all together it looks really good!
.. And on a 'baby'!
I think it looks adorable! But I'm always worried that it won't look good or won't fit on an actual baby. Maybe that's why I'm making so much things because I'm hoping one of them will work out haha. 

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