Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I got a really cool Christmas gift I want to show everyone! ......... It's a yarn bowl!
I think I mentioned wanting one a while ago. I remember trying to use a normal bowl way back when, but I never kept up with it since.. I also needed to use the bowl to eat, and sometimes the yarn bounced out of the bowl anyway. But this is so cool! It's got holes in case you use more than one colour and they won't tangle, and it'll prevent the yarn from rolling out. I love it!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everybody is out there having a really cozy Christmas as well!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Baby bag!

Wasn't sure what to label this as. I guess a blanket? It's not quite a top. Well, or maybe a bag? It IS a bag with arms, haha. But anyway, I thought this project would be a lot faster than it actually took. I think it took me 2 months? I probably didn't consider how thin the yarn was. And also how boring knitting the back would be. I didn't bother photographing the back, but it's 26" of straight seed stitch. The front was much more interesting to knit with the cables and button band.
I think it looks pretty good! But I think if I had bought more expensive yarn, it would've looked even better. This was cheap Wal-Mart yarn, and knit up, it was a little too thin for me to think that it can keep a baby fully warm. Maybe it can keep a baby warm in the spring/fall? But definitely not winter. 

I'm happy with it though! And also that I get to make more use of my creepy baby doll! In the picture, it looks too big because I made the bunting bag for a 3-6 month old but my baby doll is newborn size. Still, it's quite adorable isn't it?