Monday 31 August 2015

Spontaneous Project

I am actually in the middle of knitting a cardigan, until I became really bored of it, and did something I never did before.. Started and finished (a really small) project in the middle of knitting another project - I know, so scandalous!

It's just a really cute bow!
I attached a clip to the back of it, and just started clipping it to everything!

For example... It can be a hair bow
OR ... It can be a bow tie! 
Isn't it adorable! It actually is supposed to be a lot bigger, but since I just used scrap yarn, I ran out, and had to improvise. I think it turned out alright though. Like usual. Pretty adorable if you ask me! 

Thursday 20 August 2015

Off to an Adventure!

I knitted an adventure backpack! I'm not sure how practical a knitted backpack is, but damn if I don't think it looks adorable! It makes me look a bit like I'm 12, but hey, that's probably my maturity level anyway.
Notice how I totally tried to take a nicer picture than the plain ones I usually take in my home? Well... Like this one anyway (to show off the back)
 What I like about this pattern is that it utilizes so many knitting skills!

The only flaw I found in this pattern is that the backpack is actually extremely long. I think if it was one pattern repeat smaller, it would've been just right. 

I chose the colours white and green because I only had two balls of green yarn and I knew for sure that that wouldn't be enough but I really wanted it to be green (since green=nature=adventure) and I think my intuition played out quite nicely. 

Speaking of adventures.. Here are some pics on my latest ones!

Maybe next time I'll bring my backpack along!

[EDIT: Previously, I hadn't really thought about lining the inside of my bag, but my mom, ever the seamstress found some leftover waterproof fabric, and gave me some to line my bag with!
I thought it was a great idea since it will greatly reduce the yarn stretching out too much when I put things inside it. And plus it makes everything look a lot neater. 
I guess now I can say I'm officially done!]

Friday 14 August 2015

Went into a store...

My friend introduced me to a local yarn store that I didn't know was near me all this time! It's called Black Sheep Yarns. 
It's so much nicer and such a different experience than the big box stores such as Wal-Mart and Michaels, and it feels more personal than buying yarn from online. There's a nice lady that works there who also is very knowledgable and was really nice about answering any questions.

Of course, I couldn't leave without buying anything! So I bought... 
I'm planning on making a super slouchy hat. Or maybe I'll make something else, but it was so soft, I had to buy it! 

Monday 3 August 2015

A "Why me" sort of day

Sometimes when things go wrong, everything goes wrong. 
I guess that's what I get for buying cheap needles. Luckily, I had one of the same size that I didn't throw out yet, so I'm using that one to finish my project. 

But on top of this, my tablet is starting to break down, and I'm feeling sick on a long weekend. On the bright side... (because I'm trying my best to be optimistic here), my project is coming along quite well. No stitches dropped when transferring from one broken needle to the next!