Thursday 16 April 2015

Simple yet fancy stitch

So who knew a fancy garter stitch could produce this?

The bumpy texture makes it look like a waffle! It's so nice to see a simple pattern this time to balance out all the elegant looking lace work and cable work. 

Look at this awesome pile of panels that I've accumulated!
I can't wait until it's finished!!!! Sigh, but I'm so tired from life lately. Work, and family and relationships just make me so exhausted! And I feel so guilty that I haven't been spending quality time with my Ellie! I've been having my dad walk her lately because all I want to do when I get home from work is sleep. 

Knitting is so therapeutic for these stressful days, but sometimes I even feel too tired to knit. It's so hard to stay positive, and I'm starting to feel like a horrible person for being so pessimistic all the time. The sad part is, I feel like I wasn't always this negative. But the least I can continuously tell myself, is just keep knitting one stitch at a time!

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