Monday 26 January 2015

In Today's News...

I'm taking quite the break from my knitting needles after the finish of my huge milestone- the Frankenstein sweater. Besides looking at some Ravelry patterns, I haven't done much yarn-related work. So, what have I been doing? Well, I've immersed myself in a mystery game that's using up all my brain power.
You play as a prosecutor and solve mysteries... its a lot more fun than it sounds, trust me.

Other than that, my boyfriend and I have been doing more of the 'try something new'. We usually cook dinner together, but this time, we decided to try something different. Not anything wildly different, mind you. It's still a Chinese dish (which is what we always cook), but with some different stuff added in. Basically, its ground beef, some Chinese leafy veggie (not sure what the English name is), with onions, all pan-fried together with soy sauce and sriracha hot sauce on top of a steaming bowl of white rice. It was delicious. We're probably going to cook it all the time now. Since we don't try new things often, once we make something we like, we tend to start doing it all the time. It's a pretty quick fix too. On top of that ... we did something new #2 (which also isn't completely new... more like an improvement of something old).

Remember how we were going to be slushie masters? Well, we tried making another one that hopefully wouldn't fail on us (not even sure how we managed to screw the first blend up). We didn't want to use those gross frozen strawberries though (but we couldn't find fresh non-frozen strawberries in the supermarket.. maybe not in season?), so we used bananas instead! With the advice from some friends, we added some Vanilla yogurt, and some ice, and ta-da, a tasty treat! It tasted how I expected a banana slushie to taste like. Our poor Magic Bullet blender blades still had trouble blending everything together though (I think because of the ice), but hey, everything worked out this time. This success reassured us that we weren't too stupid to make something so easy (afterall, all we had to do was throw things into a blender). I'm going to blame our previous failure on the gross sour frozen strawberries, haha.

Anyway, moving onto cute and cuddly news, my friend recently bought the cutest cat ever. I'm obviously a dog-person, but it was the first time I considered owning a cat. Not just any cat -it had to be their cat. It is so adorable! And besides.. if I owned a cat, wouldn't it just complete the crazy knitting lady picture? Don't all knitters have a cat curled up next to them?

I'm so fluffy, I'm going to die!!
I'm Derp.
This cat looks so cute, and graceful, and sweet, and smart... especially when put side by side next to my husky who really drove the point of cats appearing smarter than dogs as she laid there like a derp when we got back. I'm quite sure if I ever owned a cat though, the animals would be at each others' throats. And I suppose my dogs are handful enough for me.

All in all, I hope my next post will be more yarn-work related. Looking at all the patterns has really gotten me pumped up! Plus, I want to use up more scrap yarn to make way for more yarn that I've been keeping an eye on, heh.

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