Thursday 25 December 2014

Everyone knows me so well ...

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoyed Christmas as much as I did! I spent it this year with my family, boyfriend and dogs. We had an amazing feast, then opened presents around the Christmas tree!
The above is some of the presents that I received! I told everybody that I had enough yarn this year, so I guess it forced everybody to think about what else a knitter would want. So, now I have my very first knitting magazine, and a knitting calendar with over a hundred patterns on every date. I also got knitting accessories which are always welcome, as its so easy to lose stitch markers here and there (or have your dog completely tear apart your stitch counter). I'm hoping to use all of these presents very soon!

Monday 22 December 2014

And that wraps it up!

I never like to throw away my leftover yarn, even if there's only a little bit left. I searched up what to do with my scrap yarn, and one of the ideas was to use it for gift wrapping. All of these ideas are just found under google images if you type in 'wrap presents with yarn' or some other variation of that. I'm definitely not creative enough to come up with these beautiful ideas on my own! Now that its Christmas, its the perfect chance to wrap all my presents with my leftovers! I got rid of two little balls, and made my presents stand out from all the other presents under the tree! I also saved on wrapping paper by just cutting up some old paper bags.

First up, is the present to my uncle! I got several strands of one color and basically just braided them together with strands of two other colors. It makes a nice cord, and looks very colorful and neat tied up in a bow atop the wrapped gift.

Next, is my aunt's present! It's the first time I made a pompom with two colors, and I think it turned out pretty cute, despite both yarns being of different weight which I was a little worried about at first. The pompom is about the same size as the present itself (which to help give you an idea, is about the size of a stack of scratch and win lottery tickets..)!
I found this amazing looking old Santa Christmas bag to wrap my boyfriend's present in. I wrapped it around with some yarn, then embellished it with a store bought ribbon and a handmade tassel. I think the whole package looks a little too busy, but I guess it serves as a clue that what's inside is going to be just as exciting!

My sisters and I chipped in for my mom and dad's gift. My sister already beautifully wrapped up my dad's gift, and so I tried my best to wrap up my mom's (pictured below):

Sister #1's present is just a series of mini pompoms tied around the present. I wonder how long that Gap bag has been sitting around the house. As far as I know, its been years since anybody has shopped there. I think this also shows how my family doesn't throw anything away that might be useful in the future.

Last, but not least is my second sister's gift. It's the only one wrapped up in a plastic bag. I got a little lazy with this one as I figured it'd be hard to nicely wrap up stacked presents.
Anyway, that concludes everything. Christmas is just around the corner! I hope everybody has finished buying and wrapping all their gifts. Hope Christmas didn't bankrupt anybody like it feels like it bankrupted me haha! Merry Christmas everyone!!

Friday 19 December 2014

My creativity astounds me

I brought my knitting to work, and lo and behold, I forgot my cable needle! But I wasn't going to be defeated so easily... so, I improvised!
That's my bobbypin! Not the best thing I've ever knit with .. but hey, it works!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Merry Christmas (almost)

Christmas decorations at my family home are up!
The festivities and Christmas fuzzies have begun! I hope everybody is enjoying their Christmas preparations as much as I am. As a bonus .. does anybody recognize my knitted stocking up on the fireplace? It's in use, and blending in well with the rest of its fellow stockings :)
Here's a sneak peek by the way, of what's been keeping me busy lately!
More info on that once its all done! Enjoy the Christmas cheers!