Friday 17 October 2014

For a Baby!

Protip at making friends at work: knit things for them!

I have a pregnant coworker and as I've never knit baby clothes before, I decided to knit some baby accessories for her! (As well as use up a ball of scrap yarn). Here's the link!

The hat was supposed to look more like a bear, but I think it looks more monkey-like because I put the ears too low. For the mitts, the blue doesn't contrast with the gray very clearly. Moreover, related to my last post, when I was on my second mitt, I was dangerously low on yarn ... so I decided I wouldn't have enough yarn to finish the mitt and changed the pattern so I could use blue to finish the mitt. As a result, the mitts are mismatched. I think it looks pretty cute though!
I learned to do something new too! It's called the duplicate stitch, and what I used to embroider the bear paw on ne of the mitts! I almost foolishly thought there weren't any other techniques I've had to learn yet!  
Wow, baby things are so small though!! I kept wondering if these can fit an actual human being! I can't wait til I have a kid of my own though! I want to knit more baby things!!

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