Friday 18 April 2014

Updated List

So, last month or so I made a list with all the stuff I wanted to learn with knitting.
 Luckily, I get to cross some things out now!
1. Socks: My sweetheart socks I made which were amazing, and a proud moment for me when I finished!
2. Cable: I first practiced on a little swatch of yarn, but my sweetheart socks again, were my first projects that helped me cross cabling off the list! 
3. Knit a doll: Lumpy the bear helped me to accomplish this goal!

Since then (I know it hasn't been too long but...) I've come up with new things I want to learn!

1. Sweater: This still hasn't changed from last time, I actually looked at a few patterns, but I'm not sure I'm at the level yet ... there were many things in the pattern I didn't understand, and I tried searching up the most basic looking sweater too.
2. Bag: This was also a leftover from the last list. I haven't made any plans about this yet.
3. Organize: All I can tell you is... nope, still messy!
4. Mistake-less Project: Wondering if I should just cross this out; is a project with no mistakes even achievable? The scarf I'm currently making has mistakes in it, but they're not noticeable at all..  Has anybody ever made anything with zero faults? Not even a little one?
5. Brioche: This is the first new one added to the list! I think it is double knitting. I saw projects with it, and they look beautiful! But wow, it looks so complicated
6. Design my own pattern: Can be with anything, but I just think it would be cool to make something entirely my own. But I doubt this one will be crossed out anytime soon.
7. Vest: Thought maybe it'd be better if I made a vest or something before a sweater, since it seems easier (no sleeves)! So, it'd be a good stepping stone towards my top goal.
8. Blanket: I originally didn't put this on my list because I thought knitting a blanket is easy, like a scarf is. But then the more I read, the more complicated it seemed, and I never considered how hard it must be to knit when the blanket starts getting really heavy.
9. Headband: I tried making one with leftover yarn, but overestimated how much yarn I had. It bugs me I never finished one, so this is making the list.
10. Dish towel: The last one to make the list is a dishtowel. Mostly because I've been itching to use my cool dishie yarn I bought from knitpicks!

Unfortunately, my current project won't be able to cross anything off the list, but hopefully I'll continue knitting until everything is crossed out!

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