Friday 30 October 2015

Some Knitting related purchases

So lately, my dad has been asking me to knit some baby things for his coworker who is going to give birth next year. So, I went out and bought some baby yarn. 
Nothing fancy- just some soft yarn bought from Wal-Mart (because I'm poor). I really liked the colours! White with a dash of soft yellows, pinks, and blues. I also too my knitting obsession further and spent way too much money on this:
Yes, I bought a little toy baby to be my model after I knit baby stuff. It always bugged me that I had to use my Lumpy bear as a model because Lumpy isn't baby sized or baby shaped. Plus as a bright pink fuzzy knitted bear, he takes away from the knitted piece I actually want to show off. And he also doesn't  make my model pieces look that great. So yea, those are all my justifications of buying a plastic baby. The cashier asked if I wanted a gift reciept.. Little did she know the baby was for me, haha!

Monday 26 October 2015

Wowow! You'll like what I made!!

I know I always say this, but I'm so super proud of myself! After two months, I completed my second cardigan! It was my first time knitting sideways instead of bottom-up on any top. For some reason, it felt longer that way.
The sleeves were knit normal bottom-up though. Near the end, I was pretty sick of knitting that same elongated checkered pattern.
Anyway, I don't have a lot to say about this. Maybe my brain is tired from all the knitting. Well, it reminded me, as well as reaffirmed the fact that I hate picking up stitches!!
I always feel like I do it so unevenly. But anyway I'm just going to throw a bunch of pictures your way!